Welcome to roane county, Tennessee
Our Mission is to create an environment that promotes job creation, economic development, enhanced quality of life, education and workforce development. We celebrate the commitment of new industry to Roane County and look forward to local companies announcing their intentions to expand operations or production.
Together, we expect our efforts will increase the quality of life for people of Roane County. That is why we are here. That is why we love coming to work every day. Join us, and together we will rise.
Development of a well-trained workforce
Roane Economic and Community Development (ECD) supports both existing and new businesses and industries by enhancing and promoting the advantages of our county vs competing areas. As well, ECD vigorously pursues continued growth of business and tourism, and the promotion of a high quality of life at all stages.
Education & workforce development programs that influence collaborations successfully motivate our citizens to achieve their full potential. Our effective programs also establish Roane County as the regional destination to live, work, play and visit.
The total amount of money spent by visitors, which includes hotels, restaurants, and gasoline, in Roane in 2014 was $66 million, a 6 percent increase from 2013.
The Alliance sponsored two new fishing tournaments in 2015: Rockin’ on the River and the Tennessee Team Trail. The new tournaments augment our sponsor of annual events, such as Three River Rumble bike race and Storm the Fort Triathlon.
Support is also given to local events to help them grow and succeed, such as the Roane County Bass Tournament, Haunting of Harriman, Christmas Home Tours, and Smokin’ the Water. In fact, $28,000 was spent in 2014-15 fiscal year to bring in and help market these types of events (50% of the tourism marketing budget). This also helps achieve the Visitors Bureau mission of extending the stay of visitors by providing robust activities and events, and brings in more visitors who enjoy our Roane outdoors and recreation.
Education & Workforce Development
The Tennessee Scholars program continues to grow, as more and more students stay on track to graduate as scholars. Students are now provided more incentives and rewards all four years, instead of merely when they graduate, resulting in Classes 2014 through 2018 setting records. For the Class of 2018, data is not yet available on the number of juniors on track to receive awards. Tennessee Promise awards $100,000 per year to Roane County students in the program.
The Workforce Development Council (WDC) was busy in 2015, working to connect businesses with educators in order to help meet workforce needs and prepare our future workforce. A meeting was held in February to discuss issues with local businesses and then in March, more than 30 educators and students met with three manufacturing businesses in the Rockwood area. In September, the WDC met to learn about the Roane County Schools’ Career and Technical Education program and Work-Based Learning. There are more visits and roundtable meetings scheduled for 2016.
The Alliance manages and posts on numerous partner pages using Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. We post and manage supplemental Facebook pages: Watts Bar Lake, Roane County, Roane County Green Team and Roane Chamber.
Also, the Chamber launched a marketing campaign to encourage community awareness. The Unite Roane campaign included a Membership Expansion event, social media posts, yard signs and t-shirts. Contests for the most Likes and the most creative displays saw the campaign run through November 2015.